Turning on a new lamp
I read something yesterday that inspired me to begin a journey of intentional gratitude. While I am not an ungrateful person, I think there is room to improve my perspective. I want to live a grateful, thankful life. It is very easy to let my thoughts drift to negative things. I worry about things. I get frustrated. There are days that my family is exhausting and my work is overwhelming and I am just spent......but I am old enough to know that this is how it has been and likely how it will always be. We will not get a break from the work of the day, the financial burden, the negativity in our home or in the world. Social injustice will continue to prevail...and the devil will stay busy. For a season. If I raise my awareness of all that is good and joyful and worthy of thanks and praise, then my ability to navigate this world will happen with a beacon of light instead of a shadow of darkness. As the bible says in Luke 1...